the hague

Mourning [A] Blkstar reunite w/Lonnie Holley at Crossing Boarder Fest Den Hague

The first performers for the music program are Lonnie Holley, the man who never plays a song twice the same way and now performs with a great band at Crossing Border.……… The Dutch Pitou will release a new album in October that is a spectacular new chapter in her musical career. The Delines with Willy Vlautin turned Crossing Border upside down in the past. They're back, and this time with their best album in the pocket. Also performances by Kara Jackson, the American Youth Poet Laureate who is about to release her first music album, and Robocobra Quartet, with their flaming mix of jazz and spoken word. Robin Kester presents the dark dream pop of her new album This is not Democracy and Jaws of Love, the solo project of Local Natives founder Kelcey Ayer presents the new EP Patricia, a beautiful ode to his mother.